Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's Cooking Calla? Simply Sweet Garlic Boneless Pork

OK, so maybe the name isn't as catchy as I would like but the husband and I were failing at a name and it is just too darn good to not post now that I took photos through the process of it! This meal is so simple and easy to make that you can start it before work and serve it up within an hour of being home (depending on length of side dishes you choose!)

Got 10 minutes in the morning? You can make this!!

 Ingredients Needed:

1 package boneless pork chops/loins--mine was just over a pound. 
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup ketchup
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1.5 tbsp minced garlic (I use the stuff from Aldi in olive oil!)
1 tsp cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste

Small mixing bowl
small whisk
measuring cup
measuring spoons
crock pot

Step one: Lay your pork chops in the crock pot and turn on LOW

Step two: Put all other ingredients in mixing bowl as shown below

Step three: Whisk those ingredients together

Step four: Pour over the pork chops and cover- you can flip at about 3-4hrs if you are available

At 5.5-6hrs of cooking on low it should look like this

The sauce is amazing with rice, potatoes, and vegetables. We chose to have seasoned French green beans and Parmesan Asiago potatoes. 

A friend of mine mentioned her dad is not a huge fan of pork so this can be substituted for boneless skinless chicken or even some flank steak! I am progressively working on my new recipes so that we are not eating the same dishes all the time and I have new items to add to our monthly meal menu. 


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